
Introduction: Among all hernias inguinal hernia is known to be the most common condition for which surgery is being performed and 75% of all hernia occur in groin.The low pubic tubercle has more tendencies for herniation due to unusual origin of internal oblique muscle leaving internal ring unprotected during abdominal muscle contraction. In view of this we conducted a study to evaluate the incidence of inguinal hernia in low lying pubic tubercle and its correlation with occurrence of inguinal hernia.Materials and methods: A Hospital based prospective study was be conducted on 100 patients, who came with inguinal hernia conducted from May 2015 to April 2018 at Father Muller Medical College Hospital and those who met the criteria. Plain Anteroposterior Radiographs of Pelvic region in 100 patients of inguinal hernia and to find out if low lying pubic tubercle has any correlation with occurrence of inguinal herniaResults: A total of 100 patients with inguinal hernia meeting the inclusion criteria was included in the study, plain X-ray of the pelvis was taken to measure SS (Distance between each anterior superior iliac spines) and ST (Spinotubercular) line and we found that 76 patients out of 100 (76.0%) patients with inguinal hernia had a low lying PT that is ST >7.5 cms. 78 patients had indirect inguinal hernia and 32 patients had direct inguinal hernia.In our study of groin hernias, the most common age group involved is the 41-50 years age group with 17 cases 42.5%. The mean age in our study was is 47.05 years Standard deviation of age is 12.15years. In our study of groin hernias, the most common gender involved in groin hernias was male with 38 cases 95% of the cases.

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