
Mesosmicrips sunae Lyubarsky et Perkovsky sp.nov. is herein described from ca. 99 Ma mid-Cretaceous amber from Myanmar (Kachin State). It is the second species of Mesosmicrips described from Kachin amber. The new species differs from the type species of the genus and the hitherto only known congener by the very slightly elongate pronotum which is 1.1 times as long as wide, the absence of the short grooves on posterior fourth of pronotum, the obtuse posterolateral angles of pronotum, the protibiae parallel-sided in distal quarter, the length of the protibia being 5 times greater than width, and the longer elytra leaving only two apical visible tergites exposed. The tarsal formula (5-5-5) is characteristic for both Eocene and Cretaceous family members.

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