
We report the results from a pilot study of 10 nearby starburst and active galaxies conducted with the Taurus Tunable Filter (TTF) on the Anglo-Australian and William Herschel telescopes. The main purpose of this imaging survey is to search for warm emission-line gas on the outskirts (galactocentric distances R 10 kpc) of galaxies to provide direct constraints on the size and geometry of the zone of influence of these galaxies on their environment. Gaseous complexes or filaments larger than ~20 kpc are discovered or confirmed in six of the galaxies in the sample (NGC 1068, 1482, 4388, 6240 and 7213, and MR 2251-178). Slightly smaller structures are seen for the first time in the ionization cones and galactic winds of NGC 1365, NGC 1705, the Circinus galaxy, and ESO 484-G036. The TTF data are combined with new optical long-slit spectra, as well as published and archived radio and X-ray maps, to constrain the origin and source of ionization of these filaments. A broad range of phenomena is observed, including large-scale ionization cones and galactic winds, tidal interaction, and ram-pressure stripping by an intracluster medium. The source of ionization in this gas ranges from shock ionization to photoionization by the central AGN or in situ hot young stars. The sample is too small to draw statistically meaningful conclusions about the extent and properties of the warm ionized medium on a large scale and its relevance to galaxy formation and evolution. The next generation of tunable filters on large telescopes promises to improve the sensitivity to faint emission-line fluxes at least tenfold and allow systematic surveys of a large sample of emission-line galaxies.

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