
The O9.7 V star HD 54879 possesses the second strongest magnetic field among the single, magnetic, O‐type stars. In contrast to other magnetic O‐type stars, the chemical abundance analysis of HD 54879 indicated a rather normal optical spectrum without obvious element enhancements or depletions. Furthermore, spectral variability was detected only in lines partly formed in the magnetosphere. As this star shows such a deviate, almost nonvariable, spectral behavior, we performed a deeper analysis of its spectral variability on different timescales using all currently available HARPSpol and FORS 2 spectropolarimetric observations. The longitudinal magnetic field strengths measured at different epochs indicate the presence of variability possibly related to stellar rotation, but the current data do not allow us yet to identify the periodicity of the field variation. As spectropolarimetric observations obtained at different epochs consist of subexposures with different integration times, we investigated spectral variability on timescales of minutes. The detected level of variability in line profiles of different elements is rather low, between 0.2 and 1.7%, depending on the integration time of the exposures and the considered element.

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