
The feasibility for the observation of a certain leptonic Kaluza-Klein (KK) hard process in {\em pp} interactions at the LHC is presented. Within the $S^1/Z_2$ TeV$^{-1}$ extra dimensional theoretical framework with the focus on the KK excitations of the Standard Model $\gamma$ and $Z^0$ gauge bosons, the hard-process, $f\bar f \to \sum_n\left(\gamma^*/Z^*\right)_n \to F \bar F$, has been used where $f$ is the initial state parton, $F$ the final state lepton and $\left(\gamma^*/Z^*\right)_{n}$ is the $n^{\rm th}$ KK excitation of the $\gamma/Z^0$ boson. For this study the analytic form for the hard process cross section has been independently calculated by the authors and has been implemented using the {\sc Moses} framework. The Moses framework itself, that has been written by the authors, was used as an external process within the {\sc Pythia} Monte Carlo generator which provides the phase space generation for the final state leptons and partons from the initial state hadrons, and the simulation of initial and final state radiation and hadronization. A brief discussion of the possibility for observing and identifying the unique signature of the KK signal given the current LHC program is also presented.

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