
Abstract Prompted by the H i Lyα absorption associated with the X-ray ultrafast outflow at −17,300 km s−1 in the quasar PG 1211+143, we have searched archival UV spectra at the expected locations of H i Lyα absorption for a large sample of ultrafast outflows identified in XMM-Newton and Suzaku observations. Sixteen of the X-ray outflows have predicted H i Lyα wavelengths falling within the bandpass of spectra from either the Far Ultraviolet Spectroscopic Explorer or the Hubble Space Telescope, although none of the archival observations were simultaneous with the X-ray observations in which ultrafast X-ray outflows (UFOs) were detected. In our spectra broad features with FWHM of 1000 km s−1 have 2σ upper limits on the H i column density of generally ≲2 × 1013 cm−2. Using grids of photoionization models covering a broad range of spectral energy distributions (SEDs), we find that producing Fe xxvi Lyα X-ray absorption with equivalent widths >30 eV and associated H i Lyα absorption with requires total absorbing column densities and ionization parameters log ξ ≳ 3.7. Nevertheless, a wide range of SEDs would predict observable H i Lyα absorption if ionization parameters are only slightly below peak ionization fractions for Fe xxv and Fe xxvi. The lack of Lyα features in the archival UV spectra indicates that the UFOs have very high ionization parameters, that they have very hard UV-ionizing spectra, or that they were not present at the time of the UV spectral observations owing to variability.

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