
When low- and intermediate-mass stars leave the asymptotic giant branch (AGB) phase, and before they reach the planetary nebula stage, they enter a very brief and rather puzzling stellar evolutionary stage called post-AGB stage. The post-AGB phase lasts very briefly, about a few thousand years at most. The number of objects that are confirmed in this phase therefore is really small, and our understanding of this elusive stellar evolutionary stage is accordingly very limited. We provide a reliable catalogue of Galactic post-AGB stars together with their physical and evolutionary properties obtained through Gaia DR3 astrometry and photometry. As an added product, we provide information for a sample of other types of stellar objects, whose observational properties mimic those of post-AGB stars. Post-AGB stars are characterised by their infrared excesses and high luminosities. The publication of precise parallaxes in Gaia DR3 made it possible to calculate accurate distances and to revise the derivation of luminosities for post-AGB candidates, so that objects outside the expected luminosity range can be discarded. We started by identifying post-AGB stars or possible candidates from the bibliography, and we then searched for their Gaia DR3 counterpart sources. Using the available photometry, interstellar extinction, spectroscopically derived temperatures or spectral types and parallax-derived distances from the literature, we fitted their spectral energy distributions and estimated their luminosities and circumstellar extinctions. By a comparison to models, the luminosity values allowed us to determine which objects are likely post-AGB stars from other target types. Their position in the Hertzsprung-Russell diagram allows a direct comparison with updated post-AGB evolutionary tracks and an estimation of their masses and evolutionary ages. We obtained a sample of 69 reliable post-AGB candidates that meet our classification criteria, which provide their coordinates, distances, effective temperature, interstellar and circumstellar extinction, luminosity, mass, and evolutionary age. In addition, we provide similar data for other stellar objects in our initial compilation, such as supergiant stars and young stellar objects. Our identifications and parameters are compared with others found in the recent literature for the subject. We selected the data with the best precision in parallax and distance to obtain more accurate luminosities, which allowed us to confidently classify the objects of the sample in different stellar phases. In turn, this allowed us to provide a small but reliable sample of post-AGB objects. The derived mean evolutionary time and average mass values agree with theoretical expectations and with the mean mass value obtained in a previous work for the subsequent evolutionary stage, the planetary nebula stage.

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