
Dating the Pleistocene and also the Ice Ages is necessary. A period of “normal” magnetism, called the Olduvai Event, occurred about 1,8 m.y.a. It can be considered the boundary between the Pliocene and the Pleistocene, lying within the Matuyama Reversed Epoch, which ended some 700 000 y.a. The boundary between the Middle and Upper or late Pleistocene we shall accept as 125 000 y.a., which is also the beginning of the Eemian interglacial. Hominid fossils were discovered in both Java and China. From publications the names “Peking Man” and “Java Man” are well known. Today, these are referred to as Homo erectus. They are known by their very prominent supraorbital torus and postorbital constriction, alveolar prognathism and receding chin. With the widest part of the skull toward the bottom, it has a pentagonal shape. The rest of the skeleton is very little different from the modern skeleton. Fossil bones from Europe are scarce, but the little that have been found correspond with Erectus from the Far East. They date from the Middle Pleistocene.


  • Dating the Pleistocene and the Ice Ages is necessary

  • Fossil bones fro m Europe are scarce, but the little that have been fo u n d correspond with Erectus fro m the Far East

  • Other Neanderthal skulls have been dug up fro m shallow graves, showing a m ixture o f Neanderthal and more modern features

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Dating the Pleistocene and the Ice Ages is necessary. A period o f "norm al” magnetism, called the Olduvai Event, occurred about [1,8] m .y.a. Vir die twee Javakenners Jacob en Sartono is dit Erectus.^ Indien hierdie kundiges, asook die datering, korrek is, sal daar aanvaar moet word dat sekere Erectusmense nog tot ongeveer 100 000 j.g. kon geleef het. Ongeveer twee jaar later word die skedel van ’n jeugdige ontdek en is dit Black wat die ,,M an van Pekirfg” uit die matriks bevry.

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