
Abstract Economic and monetary integration is the result of unifying efforts that have become a major driving force in post-war Europe. Although some of the initial initiatives, the Monetary Union project has many times been on the brink of interest. It can be as the surprise that Europe has managed to implement the common currency so soon and relatively smoothly. Nevertheless, even after its launch, this project has never completely abandoned criticism and discussion of the legitimacy and meaningfulness of its existence. Critical attitudes to the introduction of the common currency in the European Union are based above all on the Optimum Currency Area theories. The theoretical concept of optimal currency areas is currently considered a standard tool for assessing monetary integration efforts in Europe. OCA criteria are used to estimate the readiness of the candidate countries to adopt the euro, while the convergence processes are linked to the decision on the euro adoption timeline. The aim of our research article is, therefore, to closely analyze the issue of monetary policies and optimal currency areas in the context of convergence efforts towards more closely integrated economic and monetary unions.

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