
Parvovirus B19 (PV B19) replicates predominantly in progenitor cells of human erythrocytes and is transmitted by an airborne, vertical through and through blood or infected tissues. At-risk are pregnant women, people with immunodeficiency of different nature and individuals who need blood transfusions or organ transplantation. The available data indicate a high risk of infection through transfusion of blood containing the DNA of parvovirus B19, with viral load 105 copies/ml and above (Hourfar M.K. et al., 2011). According to the requirements of national regulations, the production of therapeutic drugs from plasma assumes the use of raw materials, free from viruses or with minimal viral load (Filatova E.C. et al., 2011). In some foreign countries a study of donor blood for the presence of DNA PV B19 is required; in our country the need for such screening is discussed (Giburt E.B. et al., 2013). Due to the fact that parvovirus is resistant to the methods of blood products desinfection, it is especially important to assess the quality of donor blood. Objective: To investigate the prevalence of the two markers parvovirus infection (IgG and PV B19 DNA) in blood samples from one of the blood centers at St. Petersburg. Plasma samples from 100 blood donors from Military Medical Academy blood centre were tested by ELISA for the presence of IgG antibodies of parvovirus B19. Positive samples were tested by PCR for the DNA of parvovirus B19. ELISA test system recomWell Parvovirus B19 IgG (Microgen GmbH, Germany) and diagnostic kits of Federal State Institution of Science «Central research Institute for epidemiology» of Rospotrebnadzor (Moscow, Russia) which are approved for use in RF was used according to the manufacturers instructions. It was shown that 78 out of 100 donors aged 18 to 58 years had IgG-antibodies.76 positive blood plasma samples were investigated by PCR, with the 19 donors have found DNA of parvovirus B19 (25%). Viral load of one donor was 106 copies/ml. In this case, there is the high risk of infection for the recipient. Results obtained are consistent with literature data. Obviously, it is need to investigate donor blood for parvovirus B19 presence. Obvious that quantification of the DNA of parvovirus B19 in blood products is need.


  • Парвовирус В19 (PV B19) человека является одним из контаминирующих агентов, передача которого может осуществляться парентерально, через препараты крови или при трансплантации костного мозга и органов [10, 12, 13]

  • The available data indicate a high risk of infection through transfusion

  • the production of therapeutic drugs from plasma assumes the use of raw materials

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Имеющиеся данные свидетельствуют о высоком риске заражения при переливании крови, содержащей ДНК парвовируса В19, в случае вирусной нагрузки 105 копий/мл и выше (Hourfar M.K. et al, 2011). Целью работы стало оценить частоту встречаемости двух маркеров парвовирусной инфекции (IgG-антитела и ДНК парвовируса В19) в образцах крови одного из донорских центров в Санкт-Петербурге. Образцы плазмы от 100 доноров крови из донорского центра ВМА были исследованы методом ИФА на наличие IgG-антител к парвовирусу В19. В положительных пробах методом ПЦР выявляли ДНК парвовируса В19. 76 положительных образцов плазмы крови были исследованы методом ПЦР, при этом у 19 доноров обнаружили ДНК парвовируса В19 (25%). Ключевые слова: парвовирус В19, донор, плазма крови, ДНК, IgG-антитела, безопасность. Библиографическое описание: Антипова А.Ю., Никишов О.Н., Хамитова И.В., Семенов А.В., Бичурина М.А., Кузин А.А., Лаврентьева И.Н. Скрининговое исследование плазмы крови доноров на маркеры парвовирусной инфекции // Инфекция и иммунитет.

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