
This scoping review discusses two telecommuting options to advance scholarship regarding Baby-Boomer nurses' delayed retirement and to extend their contribution to bedside nursing. Peer-reviewed studies published in the 15years before COVID-19 indicate that Baby-Boomer nurses' retirement will increase the global nursing shortage. However, three international trends have affected Baby-Boomer nurses' decision to delay their retirement. This review observed the scoping review framework. COVID-19 further disrupts the current understanding of Baby-Boomer nurses' retirement as they recognize COVID-19's impact on health care systems and younger nurses. Technological advancements and the changing needs of health care delivery have made telecommuting a practical possibility. Baby-Boomer nurses can leverage alternative work arrangements to meet their needs and to contribute to clinical practice through telecommuting. This approach extends Baby-Boomer nurses' careers and creates a resource for bedside nurses. Clinical experience matters at the bedside. Telecommuting maximizes the retention of Baby-Boomer nurses' clinical expertise to benefit patients and to socialize bedside nurses. Baby-Boomer nurses can contribute to patient monitoring as well as patient education and counselling through telehealth. They can also provide asynchronous and synchronous telementoring to bedside nurses.

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