
To synthesise and summarise evidence from published research articles regarding parental experiences caring for their hospitalised medically fragile infant. We searched four electronic databases in April 2018 using three main concepts individually and in combination: infant, medically fragile, parents. We examined articles about experiences of parents caring for the medically fragile infant in a hospital setting. We conducted thematic analysis on the 34 included articles. Parents experienced high rates of depressive symptoms, depression, stress, anxiety, distress and post traumatic stress. Parent-infant interactions were disrupted. Parents experienced loss and worry in response to the diagnosis of their infant, which altered or delayed parental role attainment. Supports and coping were key for parents to manage their stress. Parents of medically fragile infants experience multiple stressors, elevated levels of mental health difficulties, trouble attaining their parental role and often struggle to cope. Development of interventional research is needed to test targeted strategies aimed at reducing parental stress and mental health difficulties. Interventions should include: screening for parental mental health, psychological support, healthcare professional education, strategies to enhance parent-infant interactions and improved relationship competencies among healthcare professionals.

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