
The paper presents a Scientometrics mapping of papers published inJournal of Computer Science and Technology, during 2012 to 2016 as reflected in Web of Science database. It attempts to analyze the growth and development of publications output of Journal of Computer Science and Technologyas reflected. Data for a total of 485 have been downloaded and analysed according to objectives. The study reveals thatThe year wise growth rate revel that highest no. papers published in 2015, No. of Papers: 106 (21.86%) Authorship pattern data reveals that most of the authors like to publish papers in collaborations and most preferred authorship pattern was four author i.e. no. publications for four authors were 125 (25.77 %). The Degree of Collaboration (DC) revel that DC is found highest in 0.95 Co-Authored Publication. The highly prolific authors and their publications revel that Zhang L, published highest numbers of papers (11 nos.), the geographical distribution contributions (International) is revel that Peoples R China is in the top with no. of publications is 371 (76.50%), it is found from institution-wise distribution of papers that highest contributed institutions was Chinese Academy of Sciences with 93 Publications (19.18%) is placed at 1st rank and the average of citations per year (2012-2016) were 205.

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