
Energy management is an essential part of the integration of renewable energy in energy systems, electric vehicles, energy-saving strategies, waste-heat recovery, and building energy. Although many publications considered energy management, no study addressed the connection between scientists, organizations, and countries. The present study provides a scientometric analysis that addresses the trend of publications and worldwide dynamic maps of connectivity and scientists, organizations, and countries and their contribution to energy management. The results showed that Javaid Nadeem published the most papers in the field of energy management (90) while Xiao Hu received the most citations (1394). The university with the highest number of publications in energy management is the Islamic Azad University (144 papers), while the Beijing Institute of Technology has received the most citations (2061 citations) and the largest h-index (28). China and the United States are in the first and second rank in terms of total publications, citations, and h-index. Pakistan has the most publications relative to the country’s research and development investment level. The maps of co-authorship show islands of isolated groups of authors. This implies that the researchers in energy management are not well-connected. Bibliographic coupling of countries revealed China and USA are influential contributors in the field, and other countries were coupled mostly through these two countries.

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