
Islamic teachings explained us everything related to our lives in the light of Quran and Sunnah. Some of them are specified for Muslim women like feeding baby, abortion, Iddah and veiling etc. Veil is the most important part for Muslim women in their lives. It protects them from bad eyes and stays them away from sins. There are many terms used for veiling like Hijab, Jilbab that are identical to the meaning of veil.Hijab is a test for the Muslim woman. It is clear from the Quran and the Hadiths that hijab is a religious obligation, which a woman has to undertake. There is no scholarly difference on this point and the Muslim Ummah has applied it for over 14 centuries. When a Muslim woman wears hijab, she is obeying and submitting to Allah. A woman who wears hijab liberates herself from the vain and selfish desire to show off her beauty and to compete with other women around her. In the Quran, the term hijab refers to a partition or curtain in the literal or metaphorical sense. The verse where it is used literally is commonly understood to refer to the curtain separating visitors to Muhammads(ï·º) house from his wives lodgings. This leads Muslim women that hijab is mandatory and to wear hijab is applied to every Muslim woman as many quranic verses denote on it. Muslim woman should cover her all body with curtain when she goes outside of the house as well as cover her face from unknown person whereas it is allowed to her to show her face, hands and legs to her relatives.In this article, the researcher conducted the research in the term of Islamic teachings of veiling and hijab for Muslim women in the light of Surah Ahzab and analyzed six verses of the concerned surah that described veiling. The researcher explained everything with some hadiths and some books and references. This article especially helps those women who are totally confused about face and body hijab as well as those who dont accept hijab as the sharia verdict of Allah and His prophet ï·º. This also helps those students who are newly doing research on hijab and veil. In fact, this article is very informative at all.

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