
The physics realization of a ququadrit quantum computation with cooled trapped 138Ba+ ions in a Paul trap is investigated. The ground state level 62S1/2(m = −1/2) and three metastable levels: 52D3/2(m = −1/2), 52D5/2(m = −1/2), and 52D5/2(m = 1/2), of the fine-structure of the 138Ba+ ion, are used to store the quantum information of ququadrits. The use of coherent manipulation of populations in single ququadrit, being a four-dimensional Hilbert space, produces a discrete Fourier transform and the manipulation of the first red band transitions with the introduction of an ancillary quantum channel between two ququadrits generates a conditional phase gate. The combination of the both above results in a universal two-ququadrit gate, called XOR(4) gate corresponding to the controlled-NOT gate operation in qubit systems. The implementation of quantum Fourier transform for n ququadrits is performed by means of the conditional phase-shift gate. The feasibility of physical realization of ququadrit quantum computation with cooled-trapped 138Ba+ ions is detailed analyzed and described, and the theoretical detection method of logical states is given. Higher entanglement between ququadrits than qutrits or qubits and more security of ququadrit quantum cryptography than qutrit's or qutrit's will lead to more extensive applications ququadrits in quantum information fields. In particular, it is pointed out that this scheme should be the highest dimensional quantum computation in cooled-trapped ions, the entanglement between ququadrits should be the highest dimensional entanglement in it, and the ququadrit quantum cryptography should be the most secure cryptography protocol in it.

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