
The martensite to austenite phase transition in the off-stoichiometric Heusler alloyNi50Mn34In16 can be induced both by temperature change and by application of a magnetic field. We haveused scanning Hall probe imaging to study the magnetic field induced martensite–austenitephase transition. The study provides clear visual evidence of the coexistence of themartensite and austenite phases across this field induced transition in both increasing anddecreasing magnetic fields. Clear evidence of thermomagnetic history effects associatedwith the martensite–austenite phase transition is also obtained. Quantitative analysis ofthe magnetic field dependence of the volume fraction of the austenite phase inNi50Mn34In16 shows evidence of a nucleation and growth mechanism acrossthe field induced martensite–austenite phase transition. The localM–H loops constructed from the Hall images indicate the presence of a landscape of the criticalmagnetic field (for the field induced transition) distributed over the sample volume andthus confirm the disorder influenced nature of this first-order magnetic phase transition.

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