
The present research study was conducted during 2021-22. In this study communication behaviour of scientists of KVK was studied. As a part of research work it was necessary to construct a scale for the purpose of study. Keeping this in view, an attempt has been made to develop a scale for measuring the communication behaviour. Method of summated rating scale by Likert (1932) was used. From all these sources tentative lists of 56 statements were prepared keeping in view of the applicability of statements suited to the area of study. The 56 statements collected were carefully edited and 44 statements were prepared in the form of questionnaire and was sent to experts. 38 statements out of 44 were selected through relevancy testing. After computing ‘t’ values for all the 38 statements, statements with ‘t’ values more than 1.75 were selected for the final scale. 32 statements with ‘t’ value more than 1.75 were selected in the scale and final scale comprised of 32 statements to measure the communication behaviour of scientists of KVK.

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