
SAR (synthetic aperture radar) ship detection is a hot topic due to the breadth of its application. However, limited by the volume of the SAR image, the generalization ability of the detector is low, which makes it difficult to adapt to new scenes. Although many data augmentation methods—for example, clipping, pasting, and mixing—are used, the accuracy is improved little. In order to solve this problem, the adversarial training is used for data generation in this paper. Perturbation is added to the SAR image to generate new samples for training, and it can make the detector learn more abundant features and promote the robustness of the detector. By separating batch normalization between clean samples and disturbed images, the performance degradation on clean samples is avoided. By simultaneously perturbing and selecting large losses of classification and location, it can keep the detector adaptable to more confrontational samples. The optimization efficiency and results are improved through K-step average perturbation and one-step gradient descent. The experiments on different detectors show that the proposed method achieves 8%, 10%, and 17% AP (Average Precision) improvement on the SSDD, SAR-Ship-Dataset, and AIR-SARShip, compared to the traditional data augmentation methods.

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