
In an effort to understand the factors that govern the transition from low- to high-mass star formation, we identify for the first time a sample of intermediate-mass star-forming regions (IM SFRs) where stars up to - but not exceeding - 8 solar masses are being produced. We use IRAS colors and Spitzer Space Telescope mid-IR images, in conjunction with millimeter continuum and CO maps, to compile a sample of 50 IM SFRs in the inner Galaxy. These are likely to be precursors to Herbig AeBe stars and their associated clusters of low-mass stars. IM SFRs constitute embedded clusters at an early evolutionary stage akin to compact HII regions, but they lack the massive ionizing central star(s). The photodissociation regions that demarcate IM SFRs have typical diameters of ~1 pc and luminosities of ~10^4 solar luminosities, making them an order of magnitude less luminous than (ultra)compact HII regions. IM SFRs coincide with molecular clumps of mass ~10^3 solar masses which, in turn, lie within larger molecular clouds spanning the lower end of the giant molecular cloud mass range, 10^4-10^5 solar masses. The IR luminosity and associated molecular mass of IM SFRs are correlated, consistent with the known luminosity-mass relationship of compact HII regions. Peak mass column densities within IM SFRs are ~0.1-0.5 g/cm^2, a factor of several lower than ultra-compact HII regions, supporting the proposition that there is a threshold for massive star formation at ~1 g/cm^2.

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