
Over the past 40 years, live oral poliovirus (PV) vaccines have contributed to the eradication of wild PV in most countries. These live vaccine strains have a high safety record and can stimulate both cellular and humoral immune responses. As both of these factors are critical characteristics of a good vaccine, we aimed to modify the oral PV vaccines to create a powerful vaccine vector for extraneous antigen expression. In this study, we amplified three separate fragments from the Sabin 1 virus genome by RT-PCR and cloned them into the pGEM-TEasy vector. A cassette containing engineered protease cleavage sites and a polylinker was introduced into one of these fragments (f1) in front of the translation start site. This construction facilitated the insertion of foreign genes into the vector and the subsequent release of their co-translated antigens after digestion by endogenous protease. We also placed a ribozyme (Rz) sequence between the T7 promoter and viral genomic DNA so that in vitro transcription and Rz cleavage recreated the authentic 5′ end of the PV genome RNA. Poly(A)40 tails were added to the 3′ end of the genome to stabilize the transcribed RNA. The three PV genome fragments and their derivatives were cloned into various types of vectors that were transfected into Vero cells. Virus rescue experiments demonstrated that both the Rz and poly(A)40 elements were required for high transfection efficiency of the vector-derived RNAs.

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