
About ten years have passed since Mantoux and Moussu 1 in France, and Mendel 2 in Germany, first called attention to the value of the intradermal method of eliciting cutaneous hypersensitiveness, although in 1903 Mendel established the fact that, if in giving tuberculin intravenously a portion went into the tissues around the vein, a severe reaction took place in infected individuals. Antedating these observations by several years, however, Escherich described a local reaction following the subcutaneous injection of tuberculin, which he called stich reaktion, and in 1905, von Pirquet 3 published his epoch making observations on cutaneous hypersensitiveness, to which he applied the term allergy. Since these publications, it is, indeed, striking to note the paucity of investigators that have interested themselves in this fascinating problem. A fairly large number of men has drawn clinical deductions on the relative value of the intradermal test, as compared with the von Pirquet

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