
The importance of the blood-brain barrier (BBB) and neuroinflammation in neurodegenerative conditions is becoming increasingly apparent, yet very little is known about these neurovascular functions in nonmalignant disease chronic pain. Neural tissue pericytes play critical roles in the formation and maintenance of the BBB. Herein, we review the important roles of neural pericytes and address their potential role in chronic pain. Pericytes are implicated in the function of neural microvasculature, including BBB permeability, neuroimmune factor secretion and leukocyte transmigration. In addition, the multipotent stem cell nature of pericytes affords pericytes the ability to migrate into neural parenchyma and differentiate into pain-associated cell types. These recent findings indicate that pericytes are key players in pathological BBB disruption and neuroinflammation, and as such pericytes may be key players in chronic pain states. Pericytes play key roles in pathological processes associated with chronic pain. We propose that pericytes may be a therapeutic target for painful diseases that have associated neural vascular dysfunction. Given the paucity of new pharmacotherapies for chronic pain conditions, we hope that this review inspires researchers to unearth the potential role(s) of pericytes in chronic pain sowing the seeds for future new chronic pain therapies.

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