
Incubation of eggs is a critical component of parental care in avian species. However, we do not fully understand the neuroendocrine mechanisms underlying this vital behavior. While prolactin is clearly involved, it alone cannot explain the fine-tuning of incubation behavior. The present experiments explored the possibility that incubation is reinforced through a hedonic system in which contact with eggs elicited an opiate-mediated reinforcing state. Blockade of opiate receptors with naloxone reduced time ring neck doves (Streptopelia risoria) spent on the nest, possibly by uncoupling the opiate-receptor mediated hedonic experience of contact with eggs from nest-sitting behavior. Likewise, activation of opiate receptors with morphine also reduced time spent on the nest, possibly by activating an opiate-receptor mediated hedonic experience, hence rendering the eliciting behavior (contact with eggs) unnecessary. Taken together, the results suggest that the opiate system may play a previously unrecognized role in facilitating incubation through reinforcement.

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