
Proactive cyber-risk assessment is gaining momentum due to the wide range of sectors that can benefit from the prevention of cyber-incidents by preserving integrity, confidentiality, and the availability of data. The rising attention to cybersecurity also results from the increasing connectivity of cyber–physical systems, which generates multiple sources of uncertainty about emerging cyber-vulnerabilities.This work introduces a robust statistical framework for quantitative and qualitative reasoning under uncertainty about cyber-vulnerabilities and their prioritisation. Specifically, we take advantage of mid-quantile regression to deal with ordinal risk assessments, and we compare it to current alternatives for cyber-risk ranking and graded responses. For this purpose, we identify a novel accuracy measure suited for rank invariance under partial knowledge of the whole set of existing vulnerabilities.The model is tested on both simulated and real data from selected databases that support the evaluation, exploitation, or response to cyber-vulnerabilities in realistic contexts. Such datasets allow us to compare multiple models and accuracy measures, discussing the implications of partial knowledge about cyber-vulnerabilities on threat intelligence and decision-making in operational scenarios.

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