
Healthcare information is growing significantly and using big data solutions like NoSQL databases for huge volume of data and data processing distribution are urgency. Moreover, various standards in electronic health record (EHR) employe an online transaction processing (OLTP) database that interacts with family health team to integrate all patient's clinical data from birth to death. In contrast, OLTP database management systems are not suitable for large scale distribution environment and NoSQL databases is not compatible to transactional and interactional processes. The main aim of this paper is to describe a robust architecture, based on distributed system and compatible with EHR application requirements in order to reduce OLTP limitations. The experimental results indicate up to 100% logical data to improve system performance on parallel processing and 76% data availability on EHR distribution at worst case. Moreover, some important quality features like maintainability, testability, scalability environment compatibility, load distribution are supported in proposed software architecture.

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