
Wireless sensor networks (WSNs) accomplish a key aspect in the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) that has turned out to be the most flourishing perception for computerizations in an industrial maneuver. IIoT environment is a significant application of the Internet of Things (IoT) that facilitate the professionals related to industries for remote supervision of factory, warehouses, etc. In this environment, the data must constantly be analyzed to take important real-time decisions. It makes remote confirmation most essential to secure the data transmission through insure channel so that alteration, interception, modifications of data cannot occur. As a result, there remains an immense requirement of remote user authentication protocol to restrict any illicit access to the data. In this scenario, to eradicate all the security attacks, it is aimed to design a robust provable-secure privacy-preserving three-factor authentication protocol for IIoT in this research. Our scheme is analyzed using both informal and formal security reviews using broadly known random oracle models, BAN logic as well as simulated using a well-accepted ProVerif simulation tool that confirms that the protocol is well-secured against all existing security threats. It is exhibited in the performance estimation that the proposed scheme is more efficient as well as lightweight than other existing schemes. To conclude it can be said that the proposed scheme is easy to be realized in the resource-constrained IIoT environment.

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