
The objective of this work is to describe and analyze actions and facts in the area of technology throughout history and the integrative process with the activities of Educational Robotics which has been widely disseminated within the teaching spaces. Based on the assumption that History promotes society's reflection on its current and future perspectives from the critical point of view of the facts, its potential as an integrator of actions related to Educational Robotics is evidenced, which is strongly integrated with the great changes observed in society contemporary. An analysis and description of the main technological and economic facts is carried out throughout history and the robotics paradigm for the modern education system, using a literature search on the subject. Based on this important integration, it is observed that the technological development processes are strongly linked to the means of production, this consideration is a strong indicator of efficiency and economic performance. Based on the evidence raised from the literature that substantiates this work, a work is presented for the curricular integration of the teaching practice of History to other curricular components through themes related to Educational Robotics and, consequently, to bring the reflection of teachers and students on technologies in the social context.

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