
Since the robotic topic is evolving every day, and humans are in constant interaction with robots that use different sensors and different environment, it is needed to take into consideration the importance of sensor fusion for motion control. The method of sensor fusion consists of merging the data from different sensors to obtain more accurate data for object detection as well as parameters and statements required for the auto location, mapping, path planning, motion control, and motion execution. There are different ways to make possible the human-robot interaction, but no matter the concept implemented the safety of the human and the robot needs to be one of the priorities of the robotic system. In this paper the continuation of the research work is presented from the previously proposed robotic system. The robotic system is extended to include a safety controller and priority module. Also, the improved architecture will be able to receive commands from multiple human inputs, and it will determine which command will have the higher priority to be executed. The paper focuses on the continuation of the research work through detailed implementation, some test case scenarios and their results taking into consideration that the robot can execute a safety measure. The simulations are done using ROS and Gazebo.

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