
Particle physics has an ambitious and broad experimental programme for the coming decades. This programme requires large investments in detector hardware, either to build new facilities and experiments, or to upgrade existing ones. Similarly, it requires commensurate investment in the R&D of software to acquire, manage, process, and analyse the shear amounts of data to be recorded. In planning for the HL-LHC in particular, it is critical that all of the collaborating stakeholders agree on the software goals and priorities, and that the efforts complement each other. In this spirit, this white paper describes the R&D activities required to prepare for this software upgrade.


  • Particle physics has an ambitious experimental programme for the coming decades

  • The High-Luminosity Large Hadron Collider (HL-LHC) [64, 114, 145] will be a major upgrade of the current LHC [148] supporting the aim of an in-depth investigation of the properties of the Higgs boson and its couplings to other particles (Fig. 1)

  • With its mature security operations and dense, global network of High Energy Physics (HEP) organisations, both of which are quite unique in the research sector, the HEP community is ideally positioned to contribute to such a forum and to benefit from the resulting threat intelligence, as it has exposure, sufficient expertise, and connections to lead such an initiative

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James Robinson13 · Eduardo Rodrigues81 · Stefan Roiser5 · David Rousseau45 · Gareth Roy86 · Grigori Rybkine45 · Andre Sailer5 · Tai Sakuma72 · Renato Santana3 · Andrea Sartirana48 · Heidi Schellman58 · Jaroslava Schovancová5 · Steven Schramm85 · Markus Schulz5 · Andrea Sciabà5 · Sally Seidel98 · Sezen Sekmen44 · Cedric Serfon102 · Horst Severini100 · Elizabeth Sexton‐Kennedy16 · Michael Seymour92 · Davide Sgalaberna5 · Illya Shapoval46 · Jamie Shiers5 · Jing‐Ge Shiu67 · Hannah Short5 · Gian Piero Siroli25 · Sam Skipsey86 · Tim Smith5 · Scott Snyder2 · Michael D. Sokoloff81 · Panagiotis Spentzouris16 · Hartmut Stadie17 · Giordon Stark80 · Gordon Stewart86 · Graeme A. Stewart5 · Arturo Sánchez19,117 · Alberto Sánchez‐Hernández8 · Anyes Taffard74 · Umberto Tamponi36 · Jeff Templon56 · Giacomo Tenaglia5 · Vakhtang Tsulaia46 · Christopher Tunnell80 · Eric Vaandering16 · Andrea Valassi5 · Sofia Vallecorsa84 · Liviu Valsan5 · Peter Van Gemmeren1 · Renaud Vernet4 · Brett Viren2 · Jean‐Roch Vlimant11 · Christian Voss13 · Margaret Votava16 · Carl Vuosalo119 · Carlos Vázquez Sierra56 · Romain Wartel5 · Gordon T. Watts110 · Torre Wenaus2 · Sandro Wenzel5 · Mike Williams53 · Frank Winklmeier58 · Christoph Wissing13 · Frank Wuerthwein75 · Benjamin Wynne83 · Zhang Xiaomei23 · Wei Yang63 · Efe Yazgan

14 TeV 5 to 7 x nominal luminosity energy
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