
In March 2015, during cyclone Olwyn, a mobile offshore drilling unit (MODU) experienced a mooring failure and loss of position event. The MODU was blown some three nautical miles off location in the vicinity of subsea and surface infrastructure. There are serious safety, environmental, financial, and reputational risks that can be presented by a loss of mooring position. In response, NOPSEMA hosted a workshop with members of APPEA, the International Drilling Contractors Association (IADC) and with mooring contractors with a view to collectively improve the management of risks associated with the mooring of MODUs in Australia’s tropical waters, both in the short and longer term. Following this workshop, NOPSEMA issued an Information Note for the 2015/16 cyclone season, describing the regulators’ expectations of industry duty holders in respect of MODU mooring system management. At the same time, APPEA’s Drilling Industry Steering Committee (DISC) members aligned on the key principles underpinning a MODU mooring system approach. In late 2015, the APPEA DISC members commissioned a working group to develop a guidance framework for MODU mooring management in Australian tropical waters. DISC aims to work closely with industry partners such as IADC and specialist mooring contractors in the development of this framework. DISC has tasked the working group to have the guidance framework ready for the 2016/17 cyclone season, and for presentation at the 2016 APPEA Conference. The completed case study, presented at the APPEA Conference, provides an excellent example of a goal-setting and continuous improvement regulatory regime working as designed and intended.

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