
Collections of Chloropini: genera Chlorops Meigen, Epichlorops Becker and Melanum Becker from Finland, Estonia, Karelia and the Kola Peninsula are revised. 24 species are recorded from Finland, 21 for Karelia and 8 for the Kola Peninsula. Three species of Chlorops for Finland, 3 for Estonia, 21 for Karelia and 8 for Murmansk oblast are recorded for the first time. The northern limits of distribution of Chlorops species are compared with the isopleths of effective temperature sums. A correlation between the distribution of Chlorops species northward and eastward in the Palaearctic is discussed. New synonymy: Chlorops laevicollis Becker, 1910 = Oscinis scutellaris Zetterstedt, 1848 is established. The lectotype of Chlorops freyi Duda, 1933 is designated. A key to the known species from Finland, Estonia, Karelia, the Kola Peninsula and St. Petersburg region, maps of records in Finland, Karelia and the Kola Peninsula for all species, and an illustration of male genitalia for some species are provided.

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