
Boerlagiomyces velutinus (Penz. & Sacc.) Butzin and Boerlagiomyces laxus (Penz. & Sacc.) Butzin are lectotypified and the latter species, considered by some mycologists to be a synonym of B. velutinus, is reinstated as a distinct species. Boerlagella effusa (Syd., P. Syd., & E.J. Butler) J.L. Crane, Shearer, & M.E. Barr, comb.nov. is transferred to Boerlagiomyces. These three species are redescribed and illustrated. A key is provided to the six recognized species of Boerlagiomyces. Boerlagiomyces macrosporus V.G. Rao & Varghese is redescribed and illustrated and is placed in Thaxteriella. Diagnostic characters separating genera allied to Boerlagiomyces are presented in a revised key to the saprobic genera of Tubeufiaceae. Thaxteriellopsis bambusicola Sivanesan & Sharma and Thaxteriellopsis lignicola K.S. Panwar & S.J. Kaur are transferred to Chaetosphaerulina and illustrated. New combinations are made in Acanthostigmella and Thaxteriella.Key words: fungal systematics, Tubeufiaceae, Loculoascomycetes.

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