
Automatic infant cry classification is one of the crucial studies under biomedical engineering scope, adopting the medical and engineering techniques for the classification of diverse physical and physiological conditions of the infants by their cry signal. Subsequently, plentiful studies have executed and issued, broadened the potential application of cry analyses. As yet, there is no ultimate literature documentation composed by performing a longitudinal study, emphasizing on the boast trend of automatic classification of infant cry. A review of literature is performed using the key words “infant cry” AND “automatic classification” from different online resources, regardless of the year of published in order to produce a comprehensive review. Review papers were excluded. Results of search reported about more than 300 papers and after some exclusion 101 papers were selected. This review endeavors at reporting an overview about recent advances and developments in the field of automated infant cry classification, specifically focusing on the developed infant cry databases and approaches involved in signal processing and recognition phases. Eventually, this article was accomplished with some possible implications which may lead for development of an advanced automated cry based classification systems for real time applications.

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