
Abstract: Cyber bullying is nothing but bullying with the use of digital technology. Cyber bullying can take place on social media platforms, messaging platforms, gaming platforms and mobile phones etc. Cyber bullying is a big issue that is encountered by the individual on internet that affects teenagers as well as adults. It has lead to nuisances like suicide, mental health problems and depression. Therefore regulation of content on Social media platforms has become a growing need. Also detecting Cyber bullying detection at early stages can help to alleviate impacts on the victims. In the following research we make use of data from two different data sets. The first one is tweets from Twitter and second one is comments based on personal attacks from Wikipedia forums. The approach is to build a model based on detection of cyber bullying in text data using Natural Language Processing and Machine learning. We try to build a model which will provide accuracy up to 90% for tweets and accuracy up to 80% for Wikipedia forums. Cyber bullying detection will be done as a binary classification problem where we are detecting two major form of cyber bullying: hate speech on Twitter and Personal attacks on Wikipedia and classifying them as containing Cyber bullying or not. The end result of this proposed work may reduce negative impacts on the victims as a result of early detection.

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