
The domestication of diverse plant species to meet human needs has been an integral aspect of human society throughout history. The ancient practice of domestication and cultivation is deeply rooted. Ayurveda, recognized as a holistic health science, has devoted attention to the well-being of plant under the topic ‘Vrikshayurveda’. Various texts have been expounded dealing with Vrikshayurveda. Sharangdhar Padhdhati, a text of thirteenth century deals with the topic of cultivation and other factors affecting plant health. The description becomes more important in present day scenario with many health issues originating due to non-judicious use of chemical fertilizers, weedicides and pesticides. The chapter Vrikshayurveda: Upvanvinoda of Sharangdhar Padhdhati offers valuable insights into ancient agricultural practices. This chapter focuses on tree and plant care, provides a remarkable treasure of wisdom, detailing various techniques, principles, and holistic approaches to cultivating and nurturing plants. As modern agriculture is struggling with sustainability challenges, the revival of such traditional agricultural knowledge is quite relevant. This review provides a comprehensive analysis of the chapter's content, delving into various aspects, including soil health, plant propagation, pest control, and significance of trees. Furthermore, it explores the potential applications of this ancient wisdom in modern agriculture, such as biodiversity conservation, organic farming, permaculture, crop improvement, and innovative pest management. By bridging the gap between traditional knowledge and contemporary agricultural practices, this review envisions a more sustainable and harmonious future for cultivation of herbal drugs and the environment.

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