
The increasing presence of international students in higher education in Turkey has brought their working conditions and issues related to occupational health and safety into sharper focus. Türkiye’s educational and cultural richness attracts an international student body. Some of these students work during their education to meet their economic needs. For the methodology of the research, document analysis from qualitative research methods was employed. Primary data sources for the research include legislation related to Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) intersecting with international students in higher education in Turkey, academic articles, books, and reports. The obtained data were classified according to the aim of the research and discussed under respective headings. According to the results of the study; international students face challenges due to language barriers, cultural adaptation issues, and lack of knowledge about their legal rights. These challenges lead them to low-wage jobs and deprive them of occupational health and safety standards. It is recommended for Turkey to provide occupational health and safety training for international students and organize informative seminars about legal rights and work permits. Participation of employers in awareness programs targeting this group of students will be a significant step in solving these problems.

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