
In Ayurveda, Prameha is considered as one of the serious disease (maharoga) and is considered as difficult to cure disease (yapya roga). It is mainly characterized by the hazy urination and frequent micturition. The disease is comparable with the Diabetes Mellitus of the modern times. The treatments and medicine used for the Prameha in Ayurveda proved to be effective in the management of Diabetes since a long time. Classification of the Pramehahara dravya mentioned the classical Ayurvedic texts helps for the further research on the age old drugs and to provide better medicines for the future. Hence an attempt has been made to find out the plants mentioned as Pramehahara in the most authentic text of the Ayurveda, Bhavaprakash Nighantu, and to critically analyze them on the basis of their properties as mentioned. From the observations it has been noted that dravya having tikta, kashaya rasa, laghu, ruksha guna, katu vipaka play a major role in the management of the Prameha.


  • Prameha is one of the diseases mentioned in the Ayurvedic Literature, characterized by the polyuria and haziness of the urine

  • Based on the guna is has been observed that out of the 19 dravyas identified, it has been observed that laghu guna is observed in 12, ruksha guna in 9, snigdha guna in 3 and guru guna in 3 dravyas. (Graph 2)

  • Based on the vipaka is has been observed that out of the 19 dravyas identified, it has been observed that Madhura vipaka is observed in 7 dravya, amla vipaka in 1 and katu vipaka in 11 dravya. (Graph 4)

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Prameha is one of the diseases mentioned in the Ayurvedic Literature, characterized by the polyuria and haziness of the urine. This is considered as one of the major diseases which proves to be fatal and difficult to treat. Congenital (sahaja), improper diet (apathy nimittaja) and excessive food intake (Santarpanajanya) are the cause mentioned for the disease. All these causes indicate to vitiate the kapha dosha in the body and this kapha leads to the disruption in the functions of all the dhatus in the body. The disease is again sub classified into 20 types based on the predominance of the dosha. [1,2,3,4,5]

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