
The field of bioremediation has evolved over the past few decades, owing to the tremendous addition to the knowledge and growth of genetics and genomics. At present, various tools of genetic engineering are employed to tackle THM pollution using various microorganisms and plants. Several challenges limit efficient utilization of Genetically Engineered Microorganisms, particularly the efficiency in open field application, the effect on native flora, and dynamic field factors. Nonetheless, various successful examples of the application of GEMs were seen, some of which are the use of “mer” resistance genes for the treatment of Hg and “ChrR” in the treatment of chromium. The mode of application of bioremediation varies depending on the type, site, and size of the polluted area. Further research is needed to tackle the challenges to the open field applications of GEMs for bioremediation of THM’s along with efforts to make the public aware of these techniques.

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