
Background: Tridosha, Sapthadhatu and Trimala are the basic elements of the body. The Dosha that is most important for digestion and metabolism is the Pitta Dosha. One of the five type of Pitta, Ranjaka Pitta aids in Ranjana Karma. The seven steps of Raktotpatti (Erythropoiesis) and the colour transition from Shweta to Aalaktaka were elucidated by Acharya Sharangadhara. Erythropoiesis is seen in which the uncommitted pluripotent hematopoietic stem cells passes through different stages and finally become the matured RBC. The intrinsic factor of castle, vitamin B12, iron, and other substances found in the stomach, liver, and spleen are the factors that cause erythropoiesis. Objective: The relationship between the functions of Ranjaka Pitta and the variable influencing erythropoiesis is discussed in this article. Materials and Methods: Literature searches were conducted using classical text in Ayurveda and contemporary books and many others. Conclusion: Various Acharyas state that the Ranjaka Pitta, which is situated in Amashaya, Yakruth, and Pleeha, engages in both Rasa Ranjana Karma and Raktothpatti. Possible interpretations for Ranjaka Pitta include the stimulant factor and maturation factor found in the stomach, liver, and spleen that are necessary for the manufacture of red blood cells.

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