
Wind erosion and salt–affected soils are predominant desertification processes in Sudan, particularly in the northern part, and have adverse impacts on agricultural lands in the arid and semi-arid lands characterized by erratic rainfall, high temperature, high wind velocity and consequent high rates of evapotranspiration. The main objective of this paper is to present research review on combating, control, reclamation and management practices in areas affected by wind erosion and salt–affected soils. The study showed that the principal measures for controlling wind erosion depends on minimizing certain conditions that can be accelerated wind erosivity (winds ≥ 5.4 m/sec) and vice versa maximizing soil erodibility by creation a suitable condition for generate of non–erodible soil particles (NEP) versus soil surface detachment and transport by wind. Wind erosion research requires high financial support, thus this cost should be borne by government. The strategy of management practices of saltaffected soils aimed to sustain a level of salinity tolerable to the cultivated crops through good manages to water and crop. Assessment and mapping of wind erosion and salt-affected soils is urgent need to determine the inherent risk in the affected areas included in investment map of agricultural land capabilities of the country. Encourage studies on stabilizing soil particles by various natural or synthetic cementing and flocculation materials which are friendly to soil environment to increase NEP on the soil surface. Practical programs on reclamation of salt–affected soils should be included in national development programs and national strategy for scientific research in the State.

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