
Ayurveda is the oldest system among all life sciences, originated in India thousands of years ago. It is an ancient Indian practice of holistic medical care that centers on the equilibrium of body, mind and soul. Dosha (vitiating factors), Dhatu (tissue elements) and Mala (waste products) are the basic building elements of the body. Their continuous and proper flow in the body requires hollow spaces or channels. These channels are called as ‘Srotas’ in Ayurvedic classics. Thirteen types of Srotas are described in Charaka Samhita; Pranavaha Srotas is one of them. Pushkara Moola (Inula racemosa Hook.f.) is herb used in traditional medicine in India for a long time to cure the ailments of Pranavaha Srotas Vikara. According to Bhava Prakash, it has the properties of Katu, Tikta in Rasa, Ushna in Virya and pacifies the Vata-Kapha Dosha. Acharya Charaka described it in Shwasahara and Hikkanigrahana Mahakashaya; Acharya Sushruta in Phala Vagra and Acharya Vagbhatta in Hidhma Nigrahana. According to Charaka Samhita it is the best Dravya of Hikka, Shwasa, Kasa and Parshvashula. By these properties, it seems to quite naturally antagonize the Shwasa Roga, which is Kapha-Vata predominant disease. Hence it is needed to evaluate the efficacy of Pushkara Moola in Pranavaha Srotas Vikara.

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