
Copper (Cu) and tungsten (W) possess exceptional electrical and thermal conductivity properties, making them suitable candidates for applications such as interconnects and thermal conductivity enhancements. Solution-based additive manufacturing (SBAM) offers unique advantages, including patterning capabilities, cost-effectiveness, and scalability among the various methods for manufacturing Cu and W-based films and structures. In particular, SBAM material jetting techniques, such as inkjet printing (IJP), direct ink writing (DIW), and aerosol jet printing (AJP), present a promising approach for design freedom, low material wastes, and versatility as either stand-alone printers or integrated with powder bed-based metal additive manufacturing (MAM). Thus, this review summarizes recent advancements in solution-processed Cu and W, focusing on IJP, DIW, and AJP techniques. The discussion encompasses general aspects, current status, challenges, and recent research highlights. Furthermore, this paper addresses integrating material jetting techniques with powder bed-based MAM to fabricate functional alloys and multi-material structures. Finally, the factors influencing large-scale fabrication and potential prospects in this area are explored.

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