
Parking occupancy prediction and pattern analysis is a crucial component of modern urban management systems. Utilizing advanced data analysis techniques, this project aims to develop a predictive model for forecasting parking occupancy levels and analyzing patterns within parking data. By leveraging machine learning algorithms and statistical methods, the project seeks to provide insights into parking behavior and optimize resource allocation in urban areas. The implementation of parking occupancy prediction and pattern analysis contributes to efficient urban planning, improved traffic management, and enhanced user experience. Through the integration of predictive analytics, decision-makers can anticipate parking demand, optimize parking space utilization, and alleviate congestion in urban areas.This project explores the application of data- driven approaches to address challenges in parking management, including predicting peak parking times, identifying trends in parking occupancy, and optimizing parking infrastructure. By harnessing the power of data analysis, the project aims to enhance urban mobility, reduce environmental impact, and improve overall quality of life. Keywords: Parking occupancy prediction, Pattern analysis, Urban management systems, Data analysis techniques, Machine learning algorithms, Traffic management, Urban planning.

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