
This study focuses on fiber reinforcement, specifically the use of jute and coir as a fiber reinforcing material in concrete. Natural fibers have been used to provide substantial toughness and strength in a very fragile cement matrix composite. It is necessary to make effective changes in this regard. Uses a very alkaline cement matrix to achieve durability. It is preferable to have a chemical composition that is clear. Reinforce the cement and change the surface of the fibers composite. The usage of jute fiber in this article is discussed. Concrete and the impact it has on the characteristics of the concrete it produces, for example this is an attempt to review the work that has just been completed. In the discipline, as well as to establish a foundation for future study in that case. It is critical to create low-cost building and reinforcing techniques that are suited for developing countries. If agricultural by-products like coconut coir can be used to replace steel bars as reinforcement, building costs can be reduced. Down significantly the purpose of this study is to evaluate the characteristics of coconut fibers. Species produced in India and their uses in many fields of engineering, notably civil engineering enhancing the long-term durability of concrete and mortar using engineering as a building material with the addition of coconut fibers the overall objective is to look into the possibility of utilizing domestic resources. Wastes for construction on a tiny scale a review of several researchers’ experiences utilizing is presented in this publication. The performance of coconut coir as a reinforcing component is explored in depth.

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