
The world has seen leaps of development in the last century, the cost of which may be considered in the form of environmental degradation, increase in the level of Green house Gases (GHGs), deforestation and global warming. Carbon footprint, carbon offset carbon credits/permits, emissions trading and clean development mechanisms are some of the new terminologies that have been developed to evaluate the extent of part played by different nations in increasing global warming and the steps to mitigate it. International efforts such as Kyoto Protocol to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, UN-REDD (Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and forest Degradation) Programme, Copenhagen Accord (2009) and Cancun summit (2010) have been made to stabilize the global carbon emissions. The main hurdle in developing a global consensus is the disagreement between the developing and the developed nations with developed nations not ready to cut down on their carbon emissions.

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