
This article gives a brief review on research progress on the use of tissue culture in the micropropagation of agaves and a few economic plants. Fragments of leaf meristem, rhizomes, meristematic apex, root and excised embryo are used as explants in MS medium. Techniques used in the micropropagation of several species of Agave gave promising results. In vitro propagation is extensively used for propagation of Agave spp. and native plant species in some established centers in some countries. In vitro somatic embryogenesis is considered as an important pre-requisite for genetic improvement, as well as for mass propagation. The asceptic mass production of callus is efficiently used in the extraction of secondary metabolites of medicinal use. The technique is recommended specially for the propagation of perennial native economic plant species like Agave which takes more than eight years to reach reproductive stages and produces seeds. The massive production of micropropagated native plants could be effectively used in the reforestation of the species in their natural habitats.

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