
Introduction: Cancer has become a huge concern since it is the second-leading cause of death in poor nations and the primary cause in economically developed countries. According to the WHO, cancer has become the deadliest killer in the world and is one of the deadliest diseases of the twenty-first century. According to the World Health Organization, India accounts for at least 20% of the world's burden of paediatric cancer, with about 75,000 children diagnosed with the disease annually. According to the Indian Council for medical research, 5.5% of all cancer cases in India include youngsters. Paediatric cancer may primarily be examined under three categories: before conception, throughout pregnancy, and after delivery, according to the adhyatmika vyadhi categorization of illness. According to the current paradigm, DNA alterations that occur early in a child's life cause cancer, which is caused by inherited mutations from parents that raise the chance of cancer in children. Some preventative methods, including dinacharya, ritucharya, rasayana, shodhana, and garbhini paricharya, are explained by Ayurveda. The condition that resembles cancer is described as Granthi and Arbuda in the classical texts of Ayurveda. The purpose of this study to find out the integrated approach in childhood malignancies-prevention and control.

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