
Various defects on the CNT wall have been reported, which are formed during the synthesizing process. CNTs have superior properties compared to the traditional engineering materials. However, these properties hold only for the ideal case of carbon nanotubes, where these are made of perfect hexagonal graphite honeycomb lattice of mono-atomic layer thickness. The advantages or disadvantages of the presence of defects in carbon nanotubes depend on their applications. Structural defects may increase the adhesion of other atoms and molecules to carbon nanotubes. It has also been found that the defects in CNT do cause a change in its resonant frequency as compared to that of a non-defective CNT. The defects that have been considered for the purpose of analysis in this research includes defects in the carbon nanotubes likewise Waviness, Vacancy Defect, Pinhole Defect, Fracture and Stone Wales Defect. It has been observed that with the increase in the number of defects in CNT, a reduction in the fundamental frequency is observed.

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