
According to Ayurveda concept of cosmetology is not merely limited up to beautiful skin and hairs, it also includes physical, mental, social elements. According to Ayurveda healthy skin is a result of overall health condition of individuals which includes Prakrut Dosa, the Strotas, Agni and the Dhatus. Ayurveda believe cosmetology from Garbhaawastha. In Garbasanskara fifth and sixth months are considered effective for the treatment of Varna of fetus. Panchakarma treatment one of the major pillars of Ayurveda that are mainly famous as a detoxification procedure also contribute to cosmetology. Concept of Rasayana, Dincharaya, Ritucharya delays the changes occurring in body due to advancement of age and also premature changes affecting the beauty. In Charak Samhita cosmetic drugs are classified in Varnya Gana, Kustagna Gana, Kandugya Gana and Vayasthapak Gana. Many Lepas, Pradeha,Upnaha, Anjana Taila are described in Susruta and Ashtanga Samhita. In Garuda Purana various beautifying Yoga are mentioned along with specific combination of drugs for beauty of skin and hairs. This literary review is an attempt to outline the concept of cosmetology according to different Acharyas of Ayurveda, Panchakarma as an effective cosmetic therapy, role of Garbhasanskara for desired beauty of fetus, and prevention of ageing by Rasayana therapy to promote ayurvedic cosmetology on global level.

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